
A Guide to Patient Engagement: 7 Practical Strategies to Consider

Explore practical patient engagement strategies providers can use to make patients more actively involved in their own healthcare.
July 29, 2024

Patient engagement greatly influences patient outcomes, satisfaction, and the overall quality of care. Patients who are actively involved in their own healthcare tend to make better decisions, follow treatment plans more closely, and live healthier lives in general. 

Thus, improving patient engagement can lead to better clinical outcomes and more efficient operations.

This article will explore practical strategies healthcare organizations can use to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with their patients.

What is patient engagement?

Patient engagement refers to patients becoming actively involved in their own healthcare. This includes everything from showing up for appointments to understanding health conditions and taking an active role in managing their health. 

Closely related to patient engagement is the concept of patient activation — it describes the extent to which individuals have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage their health and healthcare. 

Engaged and activated patients are those who regularly and actively seek out information about their health, and adhere more closely to treatment plans. They are proactive in managing their conditions and communicating with their healthcare providers. 

In contrast, unengaged or passive patients may follow healthcare recommendations without fully understanding them. They rely heavily on their providers for direction and show less initiative in managing their health. The lack of engagement can lead to poorer health outcomes — and lower satisfaction with care.

The main factors that affect patient engagement

To improve patient engagement, clinics first need to understand which specific factors shape patient behavior and their interactions with healthcare providers.

Here are the main factors that affect patient engagement:

  1. Patient characteristics: Demographics such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status, along with health literacy, personal health beliefs, mental and emotional state, and technological proficiency, all significantly influence how patients engage with healthcare. These factors determine access, understanding, and participation in care.
  2. Healthcare professionals: The knowledge, expertise, communication skills, attitudes, and professional behavior of healthcare providers play a crucial role in patient engagement. Positive interactions, empathy, and respect from healthcare professionals build trust and encourage patients to be actively involved in their care.
  3. Healthcare system: Accessibility and availability of healthcare services, supportive policies and regulations, and the overall quality of care within the healthcare system are vital for patient engagement. A well-organized system with patient-centered care models enhances participation and outcomes.
  4. Environmental factors: The physical and socioeconomic environment, including the safety and comfort of healthcare facilities, accessibility features, and the impact of social determinants of health, affect patient engagement. A supportive environment, both at home and at the clinic, encourages patient involvement and improves health outcomes.

7 patient engagement strategies to consider

Engaging patients in their healthcare journey is a buzzword in the sector. However, it's also a fundamental shift in how we approach care — making patients feel heard, respected, and involved in decisions about their health. 

There are several strategies healthcare providers can use to transform the patient experience from passive to active. 

A list of seven effective patient engagement strategies.

Let's dive into some practical ways to make this happen.

1. Improve your communication with patients

Effective communication is the very foundation of patient engagement. When patients clearly understand their health conditions and treatment plans, they are more likely to follow medical advice and take an active role in their care. 

Good communication encompasses not just the information that’s shared but how it is conveyed as well — using language that patients can easily understand, being available for questions, and ensuring that staff are trained to communicate effectively and empathetically.

Here are some practical tips to improve communication with your patients:

  • Use layman's terms and avoid medical jargon to ensure understanding.
  • Enable real-time communication with patients through Viber, WhatsApp, and similar platforms.
  • Train staff and doctors on how to listen actively, show empathy, and explain medical information clearly.

2. Personalize patient care as much as possible

Personalizing care means recognizing that each patient is unique, with their own set of needs, preferences, and circumstances. This means going beyond standard treatment plans, taking into account personal health goals, lifestyle choices, and individual concerns. 

Promote a healthcare environment where the patient's needs and perspectives are prioritized, and train staff for a patient-centered approach.

Here are some practical tips to personalize patient care:

  • Conduct thorough initial assessments to understand each patient's unique needs and preferences.
  • Develop personalized care plans that consider individual health goals and lifestyle factors.
  • Use platforms that provide customized health information and reminders based on individual health records.
  • Schedule follow-up appointments that accommodate patients' schedules and preferences.
  • Encourage patients to share their health goals and concerns, and integrate this information into their care plans.
  • Build the right environment and train staff to offer patient-centered care.

3. Improve accessibility to care and medical information

Improving accessibility is one way to help patients obtain the care and information they need more easily. This includes physical access to healthcare facilities, digital access to medical records, and the ability to communicate with healthcare providers. 

Making healthcare more accessible enables providers to remove barriers that often prevent patients from engaging fully with their care.

Practical tips to improve accessibility include:

  • Offering telehealth services to provide convenient access to care, especially for those in remote areas.
  • Ensuring your facility is physically accessible to patients with disabilities.
  • Simplifying access to medical records through user-friendly patient portals.
  • Providing multi-language support to cater to non-English speaking patients.
  • Extending office hours or offering weekend appointments to accommodate patients' schedules.
  • Enabling patients to communicate with their doctor via email, text messages, or specific apps.

4. Improve the health literacy of your patients

Health literacy is the ability to understand health information and make informed decisions about your care. Enhancing health literacy helps patients follow treatment plans correctly and more accurately describe their health issues. 

Measures for improving health literacy involve clear communication, education, and providing resources that are easy to understand. You can:

  • Create educational materials that are easy to read and understand, using simple language and visuals.
  • Conduct workshops or seminars to educate patients about common health conditions and treatments.
  • Use the teach-back method to ensure patients understand their diagnosis, treatment plan, and medications.
  • Develop online resources, such as videos and interactive tools, to help patients learn about their health.
  • Encourage questions and provide clear, concise answers to help patients feel more confident in managing their health.

5. Use feedback to improve patient experience and care quality 

Listening to patient feedback is the shortcut to understanding their needs and improving their overall experience. Patient feedback can provide valuable insights into areas that require improvement, helping to ensure that care is patient-centered and continuously evolving. 

Actively seeking and responding to feedback improves patient satisfaction and builds stronger relationships. Here are some practical tips to use feedback effectively:

  • Implement a patient feedback system so you can send automatic patient satisfaction surveys and gather feedback on various aspects of care.
  • Set up digital feedback forms for patients to provide comments and suggestions anonymously.
  • Regularly review and analyze feedback data to identify common themes and areas for improvement.
  • Act on feedback promptly, and communicate the changes made based on patient suggestions.
  • Create patient advisory councils to involve patients directly in decision-making processes.

6. Encourage shared decision-making

Shared decision-making involves patients and healthcare providers working together to make decisions about the patient’s care. Such a collaborative approach ensures that patients are well-informed about their options and feel empowered to make choices that align with their values and preferences. 

Here are some practical tips to encourage it further:

  • Provide patients with clear, comprehensive information about their diagnosis and treatment options.
  • Use decision aids — brochures or online tools — to help patients understand the pros and cons of different treatments.
  • Encourage open dialogue and invite patients to ask questions and express their concerns.
  • Respect patients' preferences, values, and lifestyle, and incorporate them into the decision-making process.
  • Follow up with patients to discuss how their chosen treatment is progressing and make adjustments as needed.

7. Strengthen social support

Another critical component of patient engagement is social support — a strong support network can help patients manage their health more effectively, leaving them more motivated and confident in their care journey. 

There are some practical tips for strengthening social support for patients:

  • Encourage family involvement in care plans and decision-making processes.
  • Facilitate support groups for patients with similar health conditions to share experiences and advice.
  • Connect patients with community resources and services that provide additional support — e.g., transportation, meal delivery, or financial assistance.
  • Implement peer mentoring programs where patients can support and learn from each other.
  • Provide training for caregivers to help them better support their loved one's health and well-being.

How to improve patient engagement in healthcare with InsiderCX

InsiderCX is a comprehensive patient experience platform designed to help healthcare providers enhance patient engagement and satisfaction. We automate feedback collection, quality management, and communication processes, making it easier for clinics to understand and respond to patient needs. 

Here are some ways InsiderCX can help providers improve patient engagement:

  • Use feedback to improve patient experience: InsiderCX automates the feedback collection process, providing actionable insights from patient surveys.
  • Improve communication with patients: The platform enables real-time feedback and communication through platforms like SMS and WhatsApp. 
  • Personalize patient care: By gathering detailed patient feedback and analyzing it, InsiderCX helps healthcare providers understand individual patient preferences and needs. 
  • Enhance accessibility: Patients get a simple and easy way to voice their concerns, leave suggestions, and ask questions.   

With InsiderCX, healthcare providers can streamline their operations, enhance patient satisfaction, and ultimately drive better health outcomes — while making patient engagement a core focus of their practice.

InsiderCX Editorial Team
This article was researched, written, polished, and published by the InsiderCX editorial team.

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