The “Before the Visit” Phase

The Before the visit section of a feedback survey focuses on a patient’s experience leading up to their healthcare appointment. Gathering feedback during this stage helps you understand how smoothly the patient’s journey started and whether your organization is effectively setting expectations. 

The goal is to uncover insights into how easy it was to schedule, the clarity of communication, and any areas that could be optimized to make the pre-visit experience as stress-free as possible.

Key areas to focus on for Before the Visit feedback

The “Before the Visit” phase sets the foundation for the overall patient experience. Focusing on this phase ensures that patients feel informed, supported, and prepared; it also paves the way for a smooth and stress-free experience. 

Here’s what to focus on more specifically.

Appointment scheduling

What to ask:

  • How easy was it to schedule your appointment?
  • Did you encounter any difficulties when booking your appointment?
  • Was your preferred time and date available?
  • Were you given clear information about appointment availability and next steps?

What are we trying to find out specifically?

The aim is to gauge the convenience of your scheduling system. It’s important to assess whether the process was smooth, user-friendly, and whether patients were able to book their appointments within a reasonable timeframe. Delays or confusion in booking could result in poor patient satisfaction from the outset.

Insider tips:

  • Keep the scheduling process simple and accessible.
  • Offer multiple channels for appointment booking (online, phone, app).
  • Avoid double-booking and provide real-time availability.

Communication before the appointment

What to ask:

  • Did you receive sufficient information before your visit?
  • How clear were the instructions about what to expect during your visit?
  • Were you notified of any potential delays or changes in your appointment schedule?

What are we trying to find out specifically?

Communication before the visit is a huge component of setting expectations. You want to assess whether the patient felt informed about what to bring, when to arrive, and what procedures might be performed. Inadequate communication could lead to frustration, anxiety, or missed appointments.

Insider tips:

  • Send clear, concise reminders about the visit and what patients need to know.
  • Use automated reminder systems (SMS, email) to reduce no-shows.
  • Avoid overwhelming patients with too much information.

Preparation instructions

What to ask:

  • Were the instructions for preparing for your appointment (fasting, paperwork, etc.) clear and easy to follow?
  • Did you feel you had all the information you needed to prepare properly for your appointment?

What are we trying to find out specifically?

Certain appointments, like medical exams or procedures, may require specific preparation from the patient — feedback on preparation clarity can help you ensure that patients feel prepared and reduce last-minute confusion or missteps.

Insider tips:

  • Provide clear, step-by-step instructions, especially for appointments requiring preparation.
  • Offer multiple formats (written, video) to accommodate different learning preferences.
  • Avoid overly technical language that could confuse the patient.

First impressions of your facility or practice

What to ask:

  • What were your first impressions of our facility or practice (possibly continued by: based on the information provided before your visit)?
  • Was it easy to find information about our facility or directions to it?

What are we trying to find out specifically?

The patient’s first impression begins even before they step foot into the facility — and is often formed by interactions with staff, the website, or phone communications. You want to know if your practice is giving a welcoming and professional first impression that makes patients feel confident and comfortable.

Insider tips:

  • Ensure all pre-visit communication is friendly and professional.
  • Keep your website and communication materials updated with clear directions and facility information.
  • Avoid delays in responses when patients seek pre-visit support or clarification.

What to avoid?

When designing the Before the Visit section of your feedback survey, aim to avoid common pitfalls that can confuse or frustrate patients. 

Here are a few things to watch out for to ensure a smooth and effective feedback process:

  • Overwhelming patients with information: Don’t overload patients with unnecessary details that they don’t need before the visit. Keep pre-visit communication focused on essential information only — too much information can lead to confusion or cause patients to ignore key instructions.
  • Complex systems for scheduling: Don’t make the scheduling process overly complicated: requiring too many steps or asking for unnecessary information can frustrate patients. Aim for minimal clicks or steps in the booking process.
  • Ambiguous preparation guidelines: Don’t assume that patients know what to expect. Always provide clear instructions for any required preparation, and make sure there is an easy way for patients to reach out with any follow-up questions.
  • Unclear expectations for wait times: If wait time tends to be an issue at your facility, provide patients with realistic wait-time expectations before their appointment. Lack of transparency about potential delays can lead to frustration and lower patient satisfaction.
  • Lack of accessibility for different patient needs: Not all patients have the same level of access to technology or communication styles. Ensure that information and instructions are available in multiple formats (e.g., digital, printed, or even in different languages) to accommodate varying needs.


The Before the Visit phase is critical in shaping the overall patient experience. Asking the right questions and gathering targeted feedback will help you identify areas for improvement in scheduling, communication, and preparation instructions. 

Focus on clarity, simplicity, and accessibility. This will create a seamless pre-visit experience that sets a positive tone for the rest of the patient journey.

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