NPS alternatives: Exploring other satisfaction metrics

While the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a popular and widely used metric for measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction, it’s not the only way to gauge patient experiences. There are several other effective metrics that can provide valuable insights into different aspects of patient satisfaction and engagement. 

Let's dive into some of the top alternatives to NPS.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

CSAT focuses on the immediate satisfaction of patients following an interaction with their healthcare service of choice. It typically involves asking patients to rate their satisfaction on a scale, such as 1 to 5 or 1 to 10.


  • Simplicity: Easy for patients to understand and respond to.
  • Actionable feedback: Provides insights into specific aspects of the patient experience.
  • Quick responses: Can be used for real-time feedback.


  • Narrow focus: Doesn’t measure long-term loyalty or overall sentiment.
  • Variability: Responses can be influenced by immediate emotions rather than a holistic view.

Customer Effort Score (CES)

CES gauges how much effort patients have to put in to complete an interaction with your service. It’s based on the idea that reducing patient effort leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty.


  • Predictive of loyalty: Lower effort often correlates with higher loyalty.
  • Focuses on pain points: Identifies areas where patients struggle, allowing you to streamline processes.


  • Limited scope: Doesn’t capture overall satisfaction or emotional responses.
  • Context-dependent: Best used for specific interactions rather than overall experiences.

Patient Loyalty Index (PLI)

PLI combines several questions to assess different dimensions of patient loyalty, such as likelihood to return, recommend, and choose your services over competitors.


  • Comprehensive: Provides a multifaceted view of patient loyalty.
  • Comparative data: Allows for benchmarking against competitors.


  • Complexity: More complicated than single-question metrics like NPS.
  • Survey fatigue: Longer surveys might lead to lower response rates.

Likert Scale Surveys

Likert scales are used to measure patients' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors on a continuum, typically ranging from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree." It’s a good idea to include such questions into your feedback surveys, but these aren’t good stand-alone alternatives for NPS.


  • Flexibility: Can be used to assess a wide range of factors.
  • Detailed insights: Provides nuanced data on patient sentiments.


  • Interpretation required: Data can be more complex to analyze.
  • Risk of bias: Responses can be influenced by how questions are framed.

Customize your approach according to your goals

Using InsiderCX, you can implement and then tailor these alternative metrics to suit your specific needs — but as an added benefit, not as an alternative to NPS. We are very defensive when it comes to NPS and its significance. 

Our platform allows you to integrate various metrics and types of questions into your surveys, providing a comprehensive view of patient experiences. Analyzing the data from these different metrics can gain deeper insights and help you make more informed decisions.

 Here are some Insider tips on these metrics and how to use them best:

  • Combine metrics: Don’t rely on a single metric; use a combination of NPS, CSAT, CES, and others to get a well-rounded view of patient satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Segment your audience: Tailor your surveys and metrics to different patient segments for more targeted insights.
  • Continuous monitoring: Regularly analyze and adjust your metrics to ensure they remain relevant and effective.


While NPS is a valuable tool — and, in our view, the most important one — exploring other metrics like CSAT, CES, PLI, and Likert scales, can provide a richer and more comprehensive understanding of patient satisfaction and loyalty. 

Knowing what you’re aiming for, and using the right tools and metrics, to get to your goals, will help you optimize your patient feedback strategy and enhance the overall patient experience.

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